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Maqui berry (Aristotelia chilensis) is an intensely purple berry that grows wild throughout large areas of Patagonia in southern Chile.

Maqui berries are true superfruits : The harsh climate of Patagonia is credited with increasing their anthocyanin level to super-normal levels : Macqui’s ORAC score is 319,265 uMol TE per 100g. In earth talk that means maqui is considered to be the highest antioxidant fruit on the planet!

Maqui berries taste delicious, they are sweet, bursting with flavor and very rich in exciting antioxidants called delphinidin anthocyanins (also found to a lesser degree in blueberries and acai berries). Delphinidin anthocyanins are purple antioxidants with exceptional anti-inflammatory abilities which, according to some independent studies make them as effective at reducing cellular inflammation as pharmaceutical anti-inflammatories -but without anyof the negative side effects.

Through their powerful anti-inflammatory abilities, the delphinidins in Maqui berries help protect against all inflammatory conditions including cancer, diabetes & heart disease. For anyone fighting high blood sugar, it is also worth knowing that eating maqui berries or drinking maqui juice improves insulin sensitivity and helps stabilize blood sugar levels : eating maqui before, with or straight after a high carbohydrate meal can help to control blood sugar levels, keep you satisfied for longer and help prevent weight gaini.

Through its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory abilities maqui berry also protects the skin from inflammation and free radical damage – helping keep our complexion clear and smooth.