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Green Lipped Mussel is a smooth, green mollusc grown in the pristine waters of New Zealand. Freeze dried Green Lipped Mussel powder contains a range of omega fatty acids which are not found in any other marine species or plant. These specific fatty acids are beneficial for normal body functioning especially to support bone and joint structures.
They have been shown to:
- Help maintain healthy skin condition
- Enhance the regeneration of connective tissue
- Boost joint mobility and lubrication
- Support healthy brain and cardiovascular function
Green Lipped Mussel reduces inflammation of skin and connective tissue and actively enhances the rate of collagen synthesis. Green Lipped Mussel also combats the pain associated with arthritic conditions and may also help to resolve the arthritic condition itself.
A study published in the New Zealand Medical Journal demonstrates that Green Lipped Mussel Powder has similar effects on inhibiting prostaglandin biosynthesis when orally fed to laboratory animals as do non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. 
A 1993 study has demonstrated clearly that a green lipped mussel extract injected into rats with artificially induced inflammation reduced the inflammation, and that the amount of reduction was proportional to the amount of extract administered.
A 1997 published study shows that the lipid fraction of mussel is effective in both the prevention and treatment of inflammation when administered orally to rats.
A study of the carbohydrate fraction from green lipped mussel shows that this mussel extract component is more effective than Aspirin in reducing inflammation in cultured human cells.